Actualidad de las competencias digitales

En Euskadi y en el mundo

Digital Assembly 2018 in Sofia

Co-organised by the European Commission and the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the Digital Assembly is taking place on Sofia, Bulgaria on 25 and 26 June 2018. The Plenary discussions taking place during the two days of the assembly will focus on the following key digital priorities:…

More and better trained ICT professionals

Examples of initiatives focusing on upskilling professionals The demand for ICT specialists is growing rapidly in all sectors of the economy. This flyer aims to inspire members, pledgers, or potential actors of the Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition to make their own commitment in developing high-level digital skills of ICT professionals….

Publicación de una guía de implementación del marco DigComp

El proyecto ikanos tiene un lugar relevante en la guía «DigComp into Action» El propósito de la Guía que acaba de publicar el Joint Research Centre es apoyar el intercambio de experiencias acerca de las implementaciones existentes del marco DigComp. La variedad de prácticas de DigComp a través de Europa demuestra…