DIGCOMP European Digital Competence Framework

DigComp is a detailed framework for the development of citizens’ digital competence in Europe. The framework provides a detailed description of all the skills needed to be competent in digital environments and describes them in terms of knowledge, skills and attitudes and provides the levels within each competency.

Videos about DigComp:

ikanos Digital Profiles

The different versions of the ikanos digital profile provide information about the 21 competences of the European DIGCOMP framework and their objective to serve as a basis for advisory tasks, design of training pathways, job evaluation and digital transformation plans.

Personal Learning Environment

A Personal Learning Environment (PLE) is the set of sources of information and personal contacts (accessed through 2.0 internet tools) that provide up-to-date information, activities and learning experiences.
Since the ikanos initiative, it is considered the most suitable “tool” for permanent professional updating.

Other documents

Best Practices in Digital Competences 2017.

What are digital competences. Video for the III ikanos international workshop